LK-037 Champion Sneakers Indigo Denim
John Lofgren's Champion last runs slightly large, we recommend sizing down one half size from your standard sneaker or brannock size. If the half size is not available, you should be fine going up to the next full size for a true to size fit. If your foot is wide you will likely prefer TTS anyway.
John Lofgren Bootmaker Champion Sneakers are built in Japan at one of the last remaining vulcanizing rubber sneaker factories. The factory is owned by Moonstar, and they've been in the business since 1873. JLB Champion sneakers are built to a higher standard than the typical Moonstar sneaker. JLB supplies their own heavier fabrics, use double thick soles, fabric tape all edges and double stitch all stress points. Moonstar's highly skilled craftsmen and women can handle all their requests.
Lot No. LK-037
Japanese woven 100% cotton indigo denim uppers
Vulcanized double layered rubber soles
Japanese made eyelets and vents
Double stitched sewing
Dense sponge insole
D/Medium width
All made in Japan
Built on the John Lofgren Champion last
Includes Japanese made John Lofgren Bootmaker box